Hair transplant surgery is a plastic surgery technique which removes hair grafts from one area of your body, usually the donor site, to a bald or thinning section of your body called the recipient site. The technique is mainly used to treat localized male pattern baldness. The surgeon will typically cut a ‘clean’ graft (with no cancer) and use it to treat your balding area.
The surgeon will then remove the clean graft and replace it into your balding spot. After the graft is transplanted, the patient typically has a recurrence rate of about 90%. Many patients find the procedure to be very therapeutic for self-esteem and confidence. Well, you must be having many questions in your mind about its safety, procedure, complications, costs, procedure, etc. So let me, Dr. Soniya Pendharkar (a hair transplant surgeon in Ujjain), explain about all these in this article in detail.
Let me start by introducing a few important points about what to know before going for this Surgery.

Things to Consider Before Having Hair Transplant Surgery
The first thing is your budget. If you can afford it, then go ahead and have the surgery done. However, you must remember that the cost will greatly depend on how big of a head you are seeking to have the transplant.
If your goal is just to replace a small patch of hair and not really make any drastic changes, then paying for the surgery may not be a great idea.
If you have bigger goals, like replacing hair from all over your head or even completely balding it, then you’ll need to spend more money. This will all depend on what type of procedure you decide to get as well as your budget.
Another thing to consider before having this surgery is who you are getting the procedure from. Some doctors specialize in certain types of procedures, such as only conducting breast augmentation surgeries. Others may only do liposuction, while some doctors may even specialize in certain procedures.
If you do a little bit of research on the doctor’s previous patients, you’ll be able to determine if they are experienced with doing what you want them to do. A highly skilled doctor will also be able to perform the procedure without you feeling uncomfortable. At DermaDream Clinic, you’ll get specialised services and experience. That’s a promise!
One of the most important things to consider before having a surgery is what results you want to achieve. Not everyone is the same, after all, so what kind of end result you want will differ between people. You will also have different expectations out of the procedure depending on how much hair you have to remove.
If you have a lot of hair to remove, for example, you may find that having the procedure done on your head is very painful and that it takes a long time for your hair to grow back afterwards.

Finding a Hair Transplant Surgeon
In this section I will tell you about how to find an expert surgeon for doing hair transplant.
Finding a surgeon isn’t rocket science. But to find an experienced, trusted surgeon whom you can really rely on, you have to possess very keen eyes. You have to perform adequate research work prior to trusting an established medical practice offering such surgery.
The first thing that you need to look out for in a hair restoration clinic is whether it follows accepted and acknowledged medical standards of conduct and whether the surgeons are well-trained and experienced so that the patients they service are provided with the best possible service.
Apart from that, also consider the kind of hair restoration procedures that they are capable of carrying out such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Strip Harvesting (FUSS). There are also different ways in which hair can be transplanted onto your scalp. Nevertheless, one thing that you should never compromise on is the quality of the surgeon who will carry out your surgical procedure.
Therefore, the most competent surgeon should be able to perform all the necessary procedures using the latest tools and technologies without affecting its effectiveness.
Another reason why you need to have a good transplant surgeon is because he or she should be well conversant with various techniques such as FUE, TRAM and Microscopic follicular unit extraction. This will help ensure that there is minimal damage to the area where the surgery is being performed.
Also, if you do not opt to use modern technology to carry out your surgical procedures then it is imperative that the surgeon you are going to choose is conversant with traditional techniques. DermaDream Clinic satisfies all required certifications, approvals and expertise to satisfy your hair transplantation journey.

Medical Issues With Hair Transplant Surgery
There are certain medical issues with hair loss that are common and some you can prevent with some simple lifestyle changes, but there are also some things you should watch for after your surgery. First of all, be sure to get checked out thoroughly by the surgeon and follow his or her advice. If you do not, it may lead to more complications or worse – loss of your hair. This is why it is so important to listen to the surgeon and do what he tells you to do.
Some serious medical conditions with hair-bearing scalp and hair transplants include: inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, skin diseases, seborrhea and psoriasis. See your doctor if you have any of these conditions. Before you start any type of transplant, you should also let your doctor know of any family history of baldness or thinning of the hair.
Self-Care After Hair Transplant Surgery
A common concern with many patients is what to do with themselves after their surgical procedures. This is a valid concern, especially as it’s very easy to let yourself go once you have had your procedure done.
If you don’t make some effort to take care of yourself after your operation then you may find yourself very sick very quickly indeed, and then you could find yourself requiring a period of rehabilitation as a result.
However, if you are careful and plan ahead, then you can make sure that your recovery is as easy as possible, without suffering from any kind of serious medical issues as a result.
Most transplants are performed under anesthesia, which is not only highly relaxing for the patient but also for the surgeon, who has to keep the entire scalp in an extremely sterile state.
In addition to this, the scalp must be covered with a dressing in order to prevent it from being damaged during the recovery period. Once the hair loss surgery has been performed, you will need to keep yourself looking healthy and fit for quite some time, especially if you have had any previous operations such as hair implants or a receding hairline.
You should also remember to keep yourself motivated, as your performance level will affect the success of the procedure. If you feel that you are not up to the task, then perhaps you should contact a dermatologist who will be able to offer you professional guidance in everything from your recovery to how you perform your hair replacement surgery.
In order to get the best treatment near you, book an appointment today!